There’s an old story about a man searching for his car keys under a streetlight. A person who sees the man looking for his keys joins the hunt.
After a few minutes the second man asks, “Are you sure you lost your keys here?”
The first man says, “No. I lost them in the park.”
The second man asks, “Why are you searching here?”
He replies, “This is where the light is.”
This story may amuse you, but it is also a profound lesson in how we long for light to help us see what we are doing. The larger question is, how and from where does essential light originate?
Your light radiates from where you place your focus. Where you choose to direct your focus is like switching on a flashlight to brighten your path. The ray of light from your flashlight expands what you can see, giving you confidence and energy to help you along your way.
Energy flows where your focus goes.
When you understand this insight and apply the principle in your life, it is a game changer for good. It demands that you become highly selective about where you place your focus. The concern is that most people don’t realize that where they place their attention is a huge determining factor to what manifests in their life.
There’s also science behind the principle that energy flows where your focus goes. Your brain is activated by your focus and new baby neurons grow and start communicating together. Neurons that fire together, wire together. Therefore, the more you focus your attention, the more your neurons literally light up, transmitting your thoughts faster and with more clarity.
In other words, your focus and the energy that flows, creates your own streetlamp.
A colleague shared a metaphor that helps remind him of this principle. He pictures getting on an elevator knowing he has a choice about whether he is going up, or down. He asks himself, “Am I focusing on who I am as a Creator?” If he affirms who he is, his positive energy arises, and he automatically pushes the up button, and his “inner” elevator goes up.
If he places his focuses on problems and the troublesome emotions and energies that arise from focusing on what he doesn’t want, he metaphorically pushes the down button and sinks into the Dreaded Drama Triangle and the roles of Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer.
With this image he knows he is always at choice. Whatever he gives his attention to, expands.
The mechanics of how this works is both common sense and a deep truth about the power of your conscious awareness. When you know how your system of creating works—when you really know it—then you can allow it to work for you. You commit to practice the principles of creating that operate behind the scenes of the human phenomena. Over time, consciously focusing your attention becomes an automatic practice. You accept that where you place your focus, your energy will follow.
In a fast paced and complex world, many people do not know what they are focusing on. They go through the day reacting to whatever comes “at them.” They may believe that happiness and peace of mind come from changes in the outer world. Once they understand that their energy flows where their focus goes, it reminds them that they have far more control over their inner world of thoughts and emotions, than the outer world.
You have the power to create your own reality by choosing what you focus on. And yes, there are plenty of challenges at home, work, and the global society. And still, you have a choice about where you place your attention, and how your energy flows.
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